
Showing posts from December, 2017

Professional Securities Litigation Attorney to Help Victims of Securities Fraud

The ranks of the elderly continue to grow.  Currently, there are more than 50 million people who are 62 years old or older.  Recognizing that many of the elderly have built a “nest egg” over the years, numerous scam artists and fraudsters tend to target them.  From their perspective, senior citizens serve as excellent targets.  All too frequently, elderly investors suffer from “diminished capacity,” a cognitive impairment that reduces one’s ability to make sound financial decisions. Dishonest financial advisors who take advantage of trusting, naïve elderly investors must be viewed in an especially harsh light.  While the consequences of stock broker fraud are often serious, the ramifications of financial fraud upon the elderly can be truly devastating.  Generally speaking, elderly investors who lose their life savings have no way to “make it back.”  If you are close to an elderly investor who is a victim of securities fraud, consider the ...

The Facts About Private Placement Fraud: False Statements Made In Connection With Private Securities Offerings

Every year, businesses raise billions of dollars through private offerings of securities that are not registered.  Viewed in that light, it seems clear that private placements serve as a critical source of capital for small companies.  Unfortunately, too many investors become victims of fraudulent private offerings.  Stated otherwise, private offering fraud occurs far too frequently.             If your broker recommends the purchase of a security in connection with a private offering, you should know that both he and his firm have an obligation to conduct a reasonable investigation of the representations that have been made by the issuer (i.e., the company that will be receiving the bulk of the proceeds).  The scope of the investigation depends on the overall circumstances of the offering.  Generally, a broker cannot rely blindly on the issuer’s statements.  If your broker has neglected to s...

Top-Rated Securities Litigation Lawyer With A Successful Record: Appellate Court Victories Earned On Behalf Of Texas Investors Victimized By Private Offering Fraud

In recent months, the stock market has repeatedly reached new highs.  Recognizing that we are in the midst of a roaring bull market, a palpable sense of optimism seems to be enveloping the nation.  Suffice to say, however, the stock market cannot — and will not — remain on this trajectory.  Just as the night follows the day, the stock market will inevitably fall.  Unfortunately, there are far too many inexperienced investors who do not appreciate the dangers that are presented by a super-charged stock market.             Layered on top of those concerns is the undeniable fact that there are far too many brokers who magnify the dynamics described above by acting as “cheerleaders” — rather than utilizing the logical, rational, and scientific qualities they ascribe to themselves.  In essence, they add “fuel to the fire” by structuring their sales presentations in a manner that eschews the need to bala...