Chris Bebel, a highly renowned securities litigation attorney
Ranked among the leading securities law firm of the United States of America, Chris Bebel has decades of experience in helping people who are the victims of investment frauds. Mr. Bebel along with his Tefteller Law, PLLC has handled various cases with a single strategic objective – to win and help the client recover their money. Mr. Bebel is a nationally recognized lawyer and is a former SEC attorney of the USA. Thereafter, Mr. Bebel became an Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, concentrating on securities fraud sector. Chris Bebel has also published a number of scholarly articles to help aspiring lawyers gain a complete understanding of all the securities law issues of the United States of America. As a respected securities litigation attorney of the country, Chris Bebel has won many accolades and recognition for his dedicated work towards helping the citizens of the country with all their legal issues. Chris Bebel holds a graduate law degree in Securit...